Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Online Education Era

In past few year internet has improved dramatically. Now in very filed you find internet connection which show this era is of getting connected computer with each other. Dont you think this the online education era?

Online education is boom for working student. Yes, online education has become a part of every schools curriculum, college and university, and it is an effective way for students to learn.

For working student online colleges are more convenient. This is one of the main reasons that earning an education online is such a popular choice of everyone now a dyas. Online degree you study for your degree at home, on your own time. ther is no restriction or compaltion to attent the college lectures. With online education one can get a degree of any university around the world.

Every online colleges or even the courses within those online colleges are the same. Courses the one which your are looking for may never require you to step out of your home while earning an education online. While getting a degree online make sure you tailor your course load to your lifestyle which will be more comfortable for you.

Number of online education sites are available thing is that you have to know which degree is best for your future and how easily you can get it online. As now you know the basics about getting a online education. Now it's your decision take the first real steps toward earning your education online.

Take your time and do more searches to research online colleges and the degrees they offer. Many online education sites for online students offer many other facilities like providing them notes of every lecture online, books to reffer, and if any important event and many more. Online education is the best way to get your degree without attending regular lecture and from any corner of the world.Now you could be earning a degree online in no time.

Anna Josephs is a freelance editor having experience of many years in writing articles and news releases on various topics related to health, automobile and social issues. Currently, she is working on To get more details on Online Education, please visit . Please feel free to write feedback on this article. Anna Josephs can be contacted at Blog41106
Benedikta Blog78245

Easy Work from Home Ideas

The ads have been around for years in magazines and newspapers. Now theyve moved to the Internet. They promise easy work from home ideas, unlimited opportunities and high pay. Unfortunately they usually promised more than they delivered, and the buyer was disappointed once again. There are real business opportunities though. It just takes personal discipline to determine which the best business is for you. An honest and thoughtful analysis of your skills, abilities knowledge and resources is the first steps to choosing an easy work from home idea.

Here are some ideas to get you started.

Online store

Looking for easy work from home ideas? You can start in a matter of minutes with prepackaged software and name brand merchandise. You dont need to stockpile inventory, you arrange for drop shipment from a central warehouse directly to your customer. You dont need to pay for expensive office or sales space, just a corner of your kitchen or den.

Web site design

In order to do this job you will need to be creative and understand computer program. You can use one of the web site design software programs. Many small businesses would welcome your assistance in going online. Be sure to maintain a portfolio of your work to offer to show future customers what youre capable of. Easy work from home ideas such as this guarantee a bright future.

Content writing

Creative writing ability and a good command of grammar and punctuation are prerequisites for this easy work from home idea. You need to have access to the Internet. Answer an ad on one of the good freelance opportunity sites to soon have more work than you can handle. Again, its important to maintain a portfolio of your best work to demonstrate your abilities to potential clients. There is other easy work from home ideas that we can list, so keep reading!

Multi-level marketing

There are many multi-level marketing programs out there, not all of them are good opportunities for work at home. Choose carefully, look for companies, which offer real products and provide good compensation plans. Easy work from home ideas such as multi-level marketing is great for people inclined towards sales.

Online Surveys

There are many companies who want you to sign up to take surveys. Choose sites that pay for the services with cash or merchandise. You shouldnt need to pay for the service. Sometimes these sites also include cash for reading emails offers. If you receive gifts for surveys and its an item you dont want, consider selling it on one of the online auction sites.

Online auctions

The most well known of these sites is eBay. You can offer new or used merchandise at auction. This is a simple and easy work from home idea and requires very little in the way of up front costs.

Trading Domains

Good domain names are out there. You can find names, which are underused and link them to your own site or another site. Sometimes, you can even receive a commission as an affiliate for items that are purchased through your link. Or, sell the domain names directly on an online auction. Easy work from home ideas does not get better than this!

Online stock, commodities and Forex (foreign exchange) trading

Are you interested in easy work from home ideas relating to finance? Learn to be a trader through the educational programs available on broker websites, start with a virtual trading account, practice with virtual money, and when you have gained confidence and experience, try it with real money. You will need a computer with a reliable Internet connection.

Description: This article describes the importance of a self-inventory in determining which work at home opportunity is best for the individual. Here are eight easy work from home ideas that require little cash, experience, or inventory are described briefly.

Kelvin Tan is an Internet Business Expert where he created $10,045 sales in 24 hours just by sending out 5 emails without any list or website. Click here - to know how he did it. To learn about the secrets of easy work from home ideas, visit Blog37890
Cally Blog39383

Help - She's 16 And A Different Person!

Recently a mother approached me; she was very upset. Her daughter, who had just turned 16, was suddenly acting like a different person. Her daughter's circle of friends used to be within the top of the class, now she was spending her time with less successful students. In her opinion, her daughter did not study enough anymore, and her daughter had also said that she was not going to college!

No wonder this mom was upset. Drastic changes like these would overwhelm and worry any parent.

The first thought is always that your teen might have problems adjusting to a change in the household such as someone moving in or out, or a friend or family member being diagnosed with a serious illness. The death of a family member or friend your teen has been close to, even the death of a pet can cause your teen to radically change her behavior pattern. If any of these instances apply, your teen might need counseling to help her deal with the change or loss.

If nothing like that happened watch your teen and her grades for a few weeks. If you are very concerned, meet with her teachers to see if her performance in class has been or is decreasing or if she has problems with a classmate. Ask a guidance counselor at her school about any incidents that might have occurred in school and could be the cause for the change in your teen's behavior.

Pending the lack of any of the above, your teen might just be bored with her life and friends - thus trying new and different things.

Changing friends

Your teen might want to experience what it would be like to hang out with a different set of friends, or she might have encountered activities among her old friends that she does not agree with.

If you approach her in an inquisitive manner she will volunteer further details about her reason to change friends. If you wish to get to know her new friends, ask her to invite some of her new friends to come along next time you go to the beach, the mall, and event or maybe a "girls only" weekend trip. You can also invite her friends and maybe some of the parents for a barbeque in your backyard.

Less studying

You might be under the impression that she is studying less because she is not spending as much time in her room than she used to. At age16 a whole new world opens for your teen. Friends are getting Lerner's permits and Driver's licenses and your teen will spend a lot more time out of the house and with her friends. This in itself is no cause to worry, however, if her grades are dropping, you will need to bring this subject up with her.

"I'm not going to College"

A statement like this can have many meanings. Try to stay calm; instead of getting upset with your teen, ask her for more information. She might have changed her mind about her field of study, or the process of looking for the right college might overwhelm her.

Your teen also could be tired of going to school and studying. Anxiously waiting to graduate High School, the prospect of a minimum of four more years of college could be something your teen is not ready to commit to or does not find appealing at all.

If you find this to be the reason, go through the employment ads with your teen and show her the difference between a salary of a college graduate, and the wages of a sales clerk. Go through the process of estimating monthly expenses with her, including rent and utilities, and weigh all expenses against the prospective income. As all of us prefer a comfortable life style, this might give your teen the necessary motivation to continue.

Her new friends certainly could have influenced your teen. If this is what you suspect, it is even more important that you get to know her friends and their parent's life styles. This will take the guesswork out of your conversations and maybe support your examples.

No matter what the cause, it is important that you talk with your teen. Don't try to force her to do as you say as this will only make her stubborn and pitch you against her.

Instead, stay calm, listen to her reasons and discuss them peacefully. Offer your or a professional's help if she feels overwhelmed, and recognize that your teen might want something different out of life than what you have in mind for her. Use scenarios and examples to make her understand that any actions and decisions she makes now will affect her life and her future.

This article is available for reprint with author's resource box intact and all links live and clickable. Author reserves copyright.

Christina Botto, author of "Help Me With My Teenager!" has been involved with helping parents and teenagers resolve complicated issues for more than 14 years. Her website offers a variety of tools and resources to help parents of teenagers.Alison Blog23788
Carly Blog38861

Virtual House Tours Could Offer Too Much Information

We are becoming more aware of the dangers of the internet these days with articles of online predators hiding behind screen names, posing as imposters controlling their victims as if they were puppets on a string, sucking them into a "Web Of Deception."

Computers are used in the transmission of crime often in three capacities. They may be the target of the offense, the tool used in the offence or they may contain evidence of the offence. Everything from sex predators, e-mail scams, fraud and even burglary. Yes, even burglary enters into the equation with the possibility that burglars could target homes via the internet.

The real estate industry's version of armchair viewing, otherwise known as "Virtual Tours," could be giving the "bad guys" too much information. Too much information about your most important investment: your home.

Selling your home is stressful enough without the added stress of a break and enter.

Virtual tours are increasing in popularity as they give home buyers a real impression of the inside of the home and a vivid look at the outside surroundings. Some realtors may deny or play down the dangers of advertising your home on the internet; however, this concern affects not only home sellers but also home buyers whose future home may have been advertised on the internet.

Once a home has been exposed on the internet, particularly on "Virtual Tours," it could remain a risk for robbery for several months as information may have been downloaded and stored on a thief's computer.

Having a home available for anyone to inspect can represent a grave danger. The only people who should be allowed to inspect your home are those who have been identified and qualified. The Internet allows anybody who owns a computer and is hooked up to the web to take a tour through your home.

I don't want just anybody looking through my home, unless they are a genuine buyer accompanied by a realtor.

The safe procedure is quite simple. The homebuyer usually checks out an area before they buy a home. They visit with the real estate agent, who takes great care to ensure that only genuine buyers are allowed to inspect your home.

If you must advertise your home on the internet, make sure that you go over the details with your realtor very carefully. Details like removing precious items before the filming of the tour or having their computer professional remove them through a Photoshop software program after the segment has been filmed. It is very important as a home owner to view the video before it is displayed over the internet, checking for security deficiencies.

Meeting with your real estate representative and ironing out the details is crucial. After all, you are the person holding the strings when it comes to protecting your home.

Frank Fourchalk is widely recognized for his sustained commitment to education in Home and Business security throughout North America as a result of his syndicated newspaper columns. Mr. Fourchalk has written for The Toronto Star, The Vancouver Province, and several other daily newspapsers including the New York Post.Barbi Blog41427
Andriette Blog56677

Success University - The New Wave Of Online Education

Many of us have spent our lives and fortunes chasing after the dream. That dream seems elusive at times and we wonder if we made the right decisions and are we meeting our goals. We dream of not having to worry about money. That is the bottom line. We are taught at a very young age that to reach that dream we need a good education. We choose a career and go into debt to get it if we are not so fortunate as some. We gauge our success by the amount of our paycheck, noticing that a lot of it goes back out in the form of benefits, retirement, and taxes. The rest goes into paying for housing, food, cars, and family expenses if you have one. Not a lot left over, huh? Having spent thirty years climbing the mountain of dreams, you realize that your dream has turned into a dud. Something is missing and you are not sure what it is. If you do not have the time or the resources to investigate this problem, go online to Success University where you can find the answers to life, money and love in your spare time.

The news is out, Stone Evans from the Plug In Profit Site is telling everyone that joining Success University is going to be part of his program in the near future. That means that either he is going to lose quite a few affiliates because of the extra expense, or he is going to make a wind-fall profit because everyone joining this program. His history would suggest the second option. With a two dollar entry fee, anyone would join in a cause that they believe in. Where does this belief come from and where can you find it? Have you ever been to a motivational seminar where either you or your company spent over a thousand dollars for you to attend?

Success University offers the chance to view online seminars for a fraction of the cost. You no longer have to stay in a hotel or travel to enjoy the benefits of this kind of training. The only disadvantage is that you miss out on the interactive aspects of going to a seminar. You don't get to ask any questions. That is ok, there is plenty more to benefit from.

The online education courses Success University Offers are quick and easy to complete. The program is achievement based and requires fifty one credits for scholar certification. Fifty percent of these credits need to be in the form of achievement courses, the other fifty percent can come in the form of electives. It is designed to suit your personality and needs. Each module has a quiz at the end of it, so paying attention is important.

The ciriculum is varied and includes topics on health, leadership, salesmanship, network marketing, and motivation. Wait a minute, no math, history, english, or social studies? Success University is not a traditional educational institution. It is the new wave of online education that teaches you how to think positively, how to live well, and yes how to make money online while you learn. It is an affiliate program.

It is an affiliate program with some big gun instructors and with multiple years of experience in the practice of success skills in their fields. You do not see these kinds of instructors in the traditional college or university classroom. They are internet pioneers. For one of the greatest examples of the kind of resources available at Success University, look up Brian Tracy in Google. He is legitamate, powerful and all over the internet.

Success University is affordable considering what it would cost to see these professionals by going to their seminars. The training you will receive will be unlike anything you have experienced in the traditional classroom. What you will learn can be applied to almost any job, career or even life's situations. It is the missing aspect in anyone's educational dream, The spark that says "I have a future".

Leonard Bartholomew, B.S. Computer Science, Put the spark back into your education online at Blog84047
Aleece Blog78208

Selling Features And Upgrades

In most markets today, buyers are more selective and demanding. There's more to choose from and they expect quality and upgrades. You may be facing a dilemma as to "what to fix first" or not having any additional funds for projects. Below are the most important features when it comes to selling your home. I would be happy to walk through your home with you, and point out your home's most important "needed projects" also, give you easy and cheap tips room to room. Contact me

Kitchen - Putting in a new kitchen is always a safe and predictable way to spend money. Today, people like a big kitchen with a lot of workspace. They look for solid surface counters and high-quality flooring, such as wood, laminate, tile or stone. New/modern lighting is also desirable and can completely change the feel of the kitchen. They want newer appliances in working order. It helps to have a window over the sink and being open to another room is quite desirable in today's market. Not only will you add considerably to the value of your home - you will also get a lot of pleasure from it!

Bathrooms - Buyers are looking for master baths that give a little room to roam. A big asset: spa or whirlpool tubs. It's a big selling feature.

Some other features buyers are seeking: separate showers with steam and/or multiple jets, Newer fixtures, double sink, and separate room for the toilet. Modern lighting, storage/linen space, ceiling vent and heat lamp combination.

Master suites/Loft conversions - These offer fantastic value for money, but don't be tempted to squeeze two rooms into a loft space. Instead convert the loft into a master bedroom with en-suite bathroom, a guest bedroom, a teenage bedroom or a family games room. What's important is that you keep it as a large room, giving your home instant 'wow' factor. Buyers are very excited about A well-appointed master suite. The wish list: a luxurious bathroom, lounging areas and walk-in closets, preferably his and hers.

Closets/Storage - Space is a huge selling feature. Beyond the his and her closets, buyers want to see SPACE! Make sure you have removed all unnecessary items and your closets and linen cabinets are almost bare! A buyer WILL open your "Secret hiding places" Garages and attics are also important. As long as they can envision their belongings fitting in YOUR home, they will be satisfied. There's only so much we can control. If you have an older home chances are your closets were designed for the days of "a few garments." Today's new construction allows added space to accommodate our fashion must haves and of course our 10-20 pairs of shoes EACH.

Exteriors - Many people spend thousands improving the inside of their property without giving any thought to the exterior - big mistake! If you've got an old roof and outdated paint, I don't care if you've updated the kitchen, bath and added gold faucets, first impressions are a must and can add as much as 5 percent to 10 percent to the value of the home. Roofs are expensive to replace and a good roof is considered standard equipment in a house. If your roof has problems, expect to take a hit in the price. Before entering the home, a buyer shouldn't see flawed porches, loose handrails, rusty gutters or awnings. They will automatically raise an eyebrow to the rest of the home. If the exterior hasn't been maintained, they will wonder what else they're not seeing.

Windows - People are looking at exposures and windows, It's been a cold winter for most of the country and energy efficiency is very important. We all know about fuel costs...

Insulated windows are always a plus, Typically, they pay for themselves in five years, The cost: for an average 2,600-square-foot home, estimate about $10,000 for new windows. Well-placed skylights are also a good touch to add value.

Decorating - Neutrals always work best - they make rooms appear bigger and brighter. However, we are in danger of going overboard with the minimalist look. Put neutral colors on walls, floor and fittings, but introduce some color through paintings, and soft furnishings to give your home warmth and appeal. Pack away as many personal items as you can such as photos. Allow the potential buyer to view the home as their own with no mental obstructions.

Natural materials - People like natural materials. Ceramic tile, hardwood floors, granite. We've gone back to a real appreciation for historically true materials. And simulated works just as well. The look is very popular.

In floor coverings - especially bathrooms or kitchens - look for ceramic tile or wood rather than linoleum, which can tear and be seen as "Cheap" Buyer's will often overlook an outdated vanity when they see ceramic tile flooring. In the rest of the house, wood or laminate products are a plus over wall-to-wall carpet.

But if you have carpet, it should be a good product and well maintained so that a person doesn't have to walk in and think, 'I'm going to have to spend five grand right off the bat. If possible make room for a "Decorating allowance" for the buyer this way it doesn't hurt your budget up front and comes out of your net proceeds.

Yard/Landscaping - There is not a lot you can do with the size of your yard. However, if you have an unsightly landscaping you need to spend money tidying it up. It will increase the value of your property instantly. Make sure you include a deck or patio area. Smarten up the front appearance and replace any fallen boundary fencing. Remember to keep the yard a focal point just as the interior is. Families will be spending time in the yard as well as the living room. Make landscaping and gardens child/pet friendly if possible.

Study/Den - Nearly 8 out of 10 households now have a computer. This has created an essential need for a study in many homes. Turning an under- stairs cupboard or a section of your finished basement into a study can be a great asset. But make sure it is away from the main living and sleeping areas.

Entertainment systems - Most new homes are now pre-wired for surround sound and broadband points. If you are thinking of having your house re-wired, remember to include this at the same time. It will save you a lot of money in the long term.

Basements - What used to be used only for a coal shoot, work shop, storage, and laundry, is now a living space! People expect a rec room, finished walls and flooring. If your basement is not finished, it should at least be DRY and clutter free. If your whole upstairs is remodeled and modern, but the basement has water problems, THAT'S what the buyer will remember unfortunately. Add extra lighting, clean up what I like to call "Creepy corners." Glass block windows are now standard and expected. Be sure to pay attention to the stairs leading to the basement. Paint, secure hand rails, and make it's as appealing as possible. Again, going back to first impressions.

If you know you've got to have something fixed, fix it Otherwise, people will subtract the cost or not make an offer on the house.

Copyright 2006 Cecilia Sherrard. Beverie Blog86532
Aila Blog86872

How Safe Is Your Computer ?

Your computer can be open to attack from different types of spyware. Spyware constitutes those programs that are deliberately lodged in your computer without your approval or knowledge. The only way to escape spyware or at least minimize its effects is to install antispyware software on your pc.

If you surf the web, you can be sure that you face the ongoing risk of spyware or adware. It is time you updated your antispyware programs to keep your PC healthy. But first let us briefly examine the most common types of spyware.

Gone are the days when viruses were expected only via our email. Now we don't even have to click a link to be infected. All we have to do is browse the Internet, and it's an open invitation to spyware. Spyware constitutes those programs that are deliberately lodged in your computer without your approval or knowledge. You can never live without spyware and adware protection.

Types Of Spyware

Adware is the worst form of spyware. These programs lay in wait for you to connect to the Internet and then they send you popups that give you all kinds of offers. And while you are thinking how considerate those websites are, these fake popups are actually recording your viewing habits and smuggling them off to marketing companies who sell you junk.

Another irritating form of spyware is the browser hijacker. After installing themselves on your PC, they just change your default homepage and search engine. When you start your web browser, you'll find that you are flooded with ads, porn and other stuff you don't want. The scary part of this is that they mine data - which means they report your surfing habits to someone who uses the information unethically.

Keyboard loggers are thieves who steal your PIN number when you bank online. They get your passwords. This means, without spyware protection, your personal information and assets can be stolen. Then there are Diallers that enter your PC through a virus infection, adult websites, warez, or even MP3s. A dialler is software that dials numbers at premium rates when you are not around and you end up with bills for thousands of dollars.

If you use file-sharing programs, while installing it, spyware also gets installed, unless you read your end user agreements carefully or have antispyware software installed to keep these Trojans away. Imagine having every keystroke recorded, and your private instant messages, emails and other conversations being logged and reported elsewhere without you knowing about it! No - not the best situation to be in! So, never be without spyware protection.

Is There Freedom From Spyware?

The only way to escape spyware or at least minimize its effects is to install antispyware software on your pc. Some programs just remove the spyware but cannot prevent new spyware from coming into your pc. Get firewall software, if you use broadband or high-speed connections. Avoid clicking on links that promise you free movies, prizes, free software etc. Update your antispyware program and scan your PC regularly.

Arvind Singh is admin and technical expert associated with development of computer security and performance enhancing software like Registry Cleaner, Window Cleaner, Anti Spam Filter etc. More information can be found at http://www.pcmantra.comAmata Blog67412
Carly Blog15646

Online Associates Degree

Associate degrees are commonly referred to as undergraduate degrees. Duration of studies is counted as units or semester credit hours. Each semester has 15 credit hours hence an Associate degree is earned once a student reaches the minimum 4 semesters, equivalent to 60 units or semester credit hours. Associate degrees are generally 2-year degrees, like those conferred at community colleges. Now, associate degrees are available online, allowing you to study whenever or wherever you want.

An associate degree is defined as, An academic degree awarded by community colleges, junior colleges and some bachelors degree-granting colleges and universities upon completion of a course of study usually lasting two years.

The program consists of three parts: general education requirements, major requirements, and electives. Online associate degrees are the same as on-campus or in-classroom associate degrees, but the degree can be taken entirely through the Internet or by distance education.

An online associate degree in business, liberal arts, and other disciplines, is widely accepted for transfer into bachelor's degree programs throughout the country.

Types of Associate Degree Programs:
A.A. - "Associate of Arts" degree
This degree is designed to transfer to a four-year college or university.

A.A.S. - "Associate of Applied Science" degree
Designed to prepare graduates for career entry or job advancement after 2 years of college study. AAS degrees may transfer in whole or in part to 4 year colleges. A.A.S degrees may also be known by occupational specific titles such as Associate in Engineering Technology, Associate in Business, etc.

A.S. - "Associate of Science" degree
Designed to transfer to a 4 year college or university.

Occupational Degree
Also referred to as "applied" degree programs, an occupational degree program at a two-year college is designed to prepare students to enter the workforce immediately following graduation. The primary function is career preparation, however some courses and/or programs may transfer to 4 year colleges.

Online Associate Degrees
Associated degrees available nationwide include disciplines such as accounting, arts and humanities, business and management, marketing, design, graphic design, early childhood development, education, engineering, fire science, health sciences, hospitality management, human resources management, law and paralegal, criminal justice, social sciences telecommunications and technology.

Taking a degree in-classroom, online or by distance learning makes no difference except for the cost, time and place. Other than these aspects, education and programs are common to all of them, although there is less emphasis on an industry-specific competency. An Associate degree is more focused on learning the basic academic discipline, than in specialization.

All associated degrees are available through the Internet, but accelerated online programs make it easier to earn a certificate in less time. Earning an Associate degree also enables students to enter interesting professions, with minimal additional training in the field of electronics, health care and other faster growing occupations.

When you earn Associate degree online, you will not be singled out because yours was distance learning. A certificate for an Associates degree looks the same, regardless of whether it was earned online or on a campus. When you learn online, you will find that you can schedule work, family obligations and fun as well as learning into your busy life. Lectures can be downloaded and listened to at any time. Documents can also be read on the website, and you can turn in your homework assignments by e-mail or fax. Those who want to earn associate degree online but who are not sure how to get started should browse through various programs and locate one that is right. This requires a lot of research, but ultimately it pays off in the form of greater confidence, qualifications, and pay.

This article has been published by Kateri White currently writing on online degree programs topics for our website more details about the online degree programs, please visit our website. If any mistake found please mail Blog20771
Alexi Blog4367

The Jason Project Takes Math and Science Education Out of the Classroom

What It Is

The JASON Project is headquartered in Ashburn, VA. Its mission is to inspire in students a life-long passion for learning in science, math, and technology through hands-on, real-world scientific discovery. It is named in the spirit of the Greek myth of Jason and the Argonauts.

For middle-grade students, JASON's real-time, interdisciplinary science expeditions offer a unique opportunity to participate in real, standards-based, multidisciplinary research directed by leading scientists.

For educators, JASON provides the content and tools to effectively teach middle-grade science. The JASON Professional Development program offers accredited online professional development courses in science, math, and non-fiction literacy instruction as well as on-site workshops and coaching to help teachers become highly qualified and make the best use of JASON programs in the classroom. In addition to the award-winning JASON Science curricula, the JASON Professional Development offers educators a full array of online courses and onsite workshops to increase content knowledge. JASON Professional Development, supported by the National Science Teachers Association, enhances teachers content backgrounds and provides them with the tools to help students learn more effectively. JASON Professional Development offerings provide numerous classroom applications with demonstrations and hands-on learning activities.


Some of the many math expeditions led by the JASON project include the Mysteries of Each and Mars, From Shore to Sea, and Rainforests at the Crossroads. Each of these expeditions integrate mathematics concepts and skills with scientific themes. In addition the Math Adventures curriculum includes such activities as Geometry and Return to Titanic, and Proportional Reasoning and Disappearing Wetlands. These programs can be stand alone classroom projects or used to complement a corresponding JASON Expedition. Students will be introduced to real researchers and their work and have an opportunity to conduct similar engaging activities in the classroom and outdoors.

JASON is committed to giving educators exciting new ways to teach standards-based mathematics. As students use our hands-on approach to solving real scientific problems, the activities challenge them to learn important mathematics skills and concepts too.

JASON Science

Both JASON Expeditions and JASON Science Adventures provide teachers with a vehicle to implement new content and instructional practice in the classroom, and:

Make science real and relevant
Allow students to get to know and identify with real scientists
Introduce hands-on, technology-rich learning experiences
Help students ask better questions, and inspire an interest in science and a lifelong passion for learning

JASONs award-winning supplementary curricula are designed by the worlds leading scientists and educators. The curricula provide rich learning experiences using a hands-on inquiry based approach that mirrors the work of real scientists. The flexible instructional design allows for cross-curricular integration or single-subject implementation across disciplines. Not only are JASON Curricula based on national model standards for science, math, social studies, language arts, and technology; but they are also correlated to each states standards for science. JASON is proven to enhance middle-grade student learning outcomes.

Participating Schools

Currently the JASON project includes:
26 Primary Interactive Network Sites (PINS) in the U.S., Bermuda, Mexico, and Panama
22 regional networks
Over 1 million students reached annually
12 Student Argonauts
4 Teacher Argonauts
6 host researchers
3 student hosts
3 guest researchers

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues. For more information on schools visit http://www.schoolsk-12.comBellina Blog78334
Bernelle Blog63033

Can You Get Rid Of Skin Wrinkles With Face Lifts And Cosmetic Surgery?

By nature, we are all destined to age. It is inevitable. One day, we will all have lines and wrinkles in places that are visible and places that are not!

However, modern day technology and cosmetic surgery have provided us all with a means to halt the aging process. One of the main ways that individuals avoid facial wrinkles is the surgical face lift.

A face lift can make us look years younger for much longer than would otherwise be possible, but you can choose the right face lift for you because there is a variety of options.

The surgical face lift became popular on the celebrity circuit in the 1970s and 1980s, but only the most affluent of individuals could afford the procedure. However, the option is open to most individuals today because surgical face lifts are more affordable than ever.

When you look at the difference between face lifts then and now you will see a big improvement in the techniques and methods used.

In the 1980s, facial skin was pulled so tight that people noticed the surgery. There was also much more scarring than today. You could see the former whereas you would need a microscope to see the latter.

There are several types of facelifts and we'll look at just a few options.

The deep plane face lift began back in the 1980s and it proved that beauty really is skin deep because this procedure could knock ten or more years off of a 40 year old woman. That's because it gets to the root of the problem, the muscles in the face, which sag as we age. This causes us to loose tone, which then causes the skin to stretch.

As a result too often the skin is blamed for what is actually a muscle problem. This procedure starts by addressing the real problem and tightening the muscles, and then it moves to the surface. The results are very impressive.

Next up is the mini face lift, and this is perfect for individuals in their mid thirties through their mid forties. Regardless of whether you are male or female, this type of face lift will have a revolutionary effect on you because it tightens the muscles and the deep tissue around the face and thus tightens it up nicely.

Despite the work required for this procedure to be successful, there will be very little scarring of the tissue and the recovery time is therefore shorter than other face lifts. However, it only tends to work around your face so the nose and cheeks will remain the same in appearance.

The 1980s was the peak of the surgical face lift's popularity, but that popularity has waned today. It is still a viable choice for women trying to fend off the aging effects of time.

You should always consult a surgeon before having any procedure done because he or she will be able to advise you as to what would work best for you.

As long as you take the advice that he or she offers, then you can remain youthful and beautiful on the outside as well as the inside indefinitely!

Want to find out which wrinkle creams work? Then read Marcus Ryan's reviews of the best wrinkle creams at and get free samples to see the results for yourself!Ardys Blog94507
Alberta Blog81507

A Review Of A Newly Introduced Advertising Method: Expired Domain Traffic

Everybody knows the great advantages of e-commerce for online sellers and buyers. With the Internet, anybody can sell a product or show an idea to millions of potential buyers, with very low costs, no rent to pay, and without spending the whole day sit in a store. Now, this could convince thousands of Internet newbies to start their own website and work from home, anyway, a common problem they face when starting a new website or online project is to drive visitors to it. Ironically, the same thing that made the Internet a winning solution for e-commerce, also made it the hardest place where to be found.

There are several techniques to drive visitors to a website. Some of them are very time consuming, some are very expensive, some are completely ineffective. In this article, I'd like to describe a new, interesting advertising method, introduced recently, aimed to bring thousands of targeted visitors to any website. The idea behind this is very smart, and it's based on expired domains redirection. In fact, thousands of domain names expire every day and are available for registration. Most of them have a residual traffic coming from the "old life" of these names: in most cases, their previous owners built websites for these domains, listed them in search engines, and even exchanged links with other sites. All translating into traffic for that domain name.

The smart idea is to register these names, categorize them and redirect them to another website that match their category. Till today, people used to do this by themselves. This is effective, but extremely complicated, time consuming and expensive. Now, a company called Revisitors brought this process to the general public, registering thousands of domains and redirecting them to their customers' websites. Thanks to the large-scale transposition of this technique, webmasters and website owners can now take advantage of redirected visitors to drive targeted traffic to their website.

I tested this traffic for you by redirecting visitors to our website. The order procedure was very easy, and the campaign started almost immediately. I've been asked how many visitors I wanted to redirect, the category and the URL. After a couple of hours, I received my login information to track the campaign, and I monitored it closely. It usually take up tp 30 days to complete an expired traffic campaign, but mine took a bit more (they had a lot of campaigns running for the category I selected, and for this reason they was short on traffic). No problem, I always prefer the companies that apologize when short on supply, instead of just sending fake visitors and completing their campaigns on time.

Now, let's talk about the results: on the overall, I've been satisfied with the results. I bought 10000 visitors from the USA to our website, a site filled with articles about computer security and Google Adsense ads. I paid $48, so it's $0.0048 per visitor. Based on the website stats, about 10.420 USA visitors have been delivered in 41 days. I had a good response rate, with 71 subscribers to my newsletter and over 180 clicks on the Adsense ads.

In my honest opinion, this is an affordable way to gain instant traffic to your website. Of course, you cannot expect the same results of a pay-per-click campaign (i.e. Google Adwords), but it's definitely cheaper (pay-per-click campaigns cost $0.50 average per visitor), and worth the money. So, my recommendation is to give this new advertising technique a try, and see how it works with your website. If you get good results, you have found a new, and much cheaper, way to drive potential buyers to your website.

Rebecca Spee works as an independent consultant for several companies within the domain and internet marketing industry. She wrote hundreds of articles about new marketing ideas and internet opportunities published nationwide.Brenn Blog87179
Barbi Blog18052

Being A Landlord

1. Find the right tenants. New landlords must select solvent, solidly employed renters capable of sending their checks in on time and must not exclude anyone protected by federal Fair Housing laws -- racial minorities, the disabled, single mothers with children, etc.

2. Set the right rent. You can easily check ads and visit comparable apartments to figure out the market rent for your unit. The tricky part is collecting enough money upfront to cover any damage the tenants cause while they're there. If you charge a security deposit equal to one month's rent, you can usually assume the tenants will use it to cover their last rent check, and you'll have nothing left to replace the carpet, repair the walls they've filled with nail holes etc. Instead, insist on a security deposit equal to two months' rent.

3. Know how to fix toilets. Or find somebody who does. hire a handyman on an hourly basis to make minor repairs and compile a list of phone numbers of professionals -- plumbers, heating and air-conditioning repairmen, etc. -- that you can keep handy in case of real emergencies.

4. Find experienced landlords who will share their mistakes -- and their successes.

5. Know the law. "Every Landlord's Legal Guide" by Marcia Stewart, Janet Portman and Ralph Warner has state-by-state summaries of landlord-tenant laws, plus a CD-ROM full of all the forms and documents you'll ever need. Rules on evictions, for instance, vary from state to state and sometimes city to city.

Free downloads, forms, tenant laws, credit reports and great information is located at

You can also visit

You can also view multi-family homes and investment property on my website. I hope this has been helpful.

If you are currently a landlord or are thinking of becoming one, please post comments or questions! Hopefully someone will benefit from your story or experience.

Copyright 2006 Cecilia Sherrard. Belle Blog47291
Celie Blog6066

All That You Need About Bad Credit Unsecured Personal Loans UK

Irrespective of the fact that we have a good or bad credit score, financial requirements may arise unannounced. In such a situation, what mostly happens is that we are not prepared for the urgent need that arises out of the blue. So in case you have bad credit but need money, then you can choose bad credit unsecured personal loans UK.

Bad credit unsecured personal loans UK are available to borrowers who are in urgent requirement of money but have a bad credit history including the following:

* Defaults
* Arrears
* CCJs
* Missed repayments
* Bad credit score

It is very important for a borrower to know his credit score before availing bad credit unsecured personal loans UK. This is so because a bad credit score attracts a high rate of interest. So to know exactly what should be offered to you, it is very vital to be sure of the exact status of your credit score. A credit score of less than 600 is considered to be low.

Bad credit unsecured personal loans UK are especially beneficial to tenants and non-homeowners as they have no collateral to offer for the loan. Moreover, another advantage is that by timely repayment of bad credit unsecured personal loans UK, the bad credit borrower can improve his credit history.

Through bad credit unsecured personal loans UK, an amount of 1000-25000 can be obtained. This amount has to be repaid in duration of 6 months to 10 years. However the approval of the loan is totally dependent upon the repayment ability of the borrower. As there is no security involved, the lender relies on the bank statements of the borrower.

The rate of interest offered in bad credit unsecured personal loans UK is higher than other loans. This can be brought down by proper researching preferably in the online market where the competition is very stiff and the lenders are ready to compromise. Thus, a bit of an effort of the borrower can make bad credit unsecured personal loans UK the most appropriate choice for bad credit borrowers.

Turk Malloy works as financial advisor in Easy Bad Credit Loans. He is offering loan advice for quite some time. To know more about Bad Credit Unsecured Personal Loans UK, bad credit loans, easy bad credit loans, bad credit personal loans UK visit Blog83091
Candis Blog48432

Fix Your Credit With These 7 Simple Tips

Have you had problems paying your bills on time lately?

The fact of the matter is that you are not alone. More than 30 Million people in the U.S. have the same problems as you. Poor credit can be the primary cause for a severe inability to obtain credit cards and/or loans.

There is a solution to this problem and it is right at your finger tips.

Here are 7 ways you can fix and improve your credit score and obtain credit cards and/or loans at favorable rates.

1. Reduce your balance to limit ratio.

When a company is reviewing your credit, most of them will look at the amount of balances on your current accounts and compare that figure to the amount of total outstanding credit you have available.

EX. Total Balances = $10,000 and Total Avail. Credit = $20,000.

Now in this example your ratio would be at 50% which in most cases would be frowned upon by lenders. The ideal ration would be anything less than 30%

A good idea would be to pay off those low balance credit cards to get your balance to limit ratio under 30%

2. Cut back your credit card usage.

Even if you are the type of person who typically pays off your credit cards every month, it is a good idea to keep your balances below 30% of the available credit limit.

Even though you are paying off your credit cards monthly your balance is still reported to the credit bureaus.

One of the best ways to keep track is by using financial software like Quicken or Microsoft Money. Using these programs can help you stay below 30% of your available credit limits.

3. Know your limits.

In some cases, your credit card companies may not report your limits to the credit bureaus. This may cause a drop in your FICO score.

What happens is the credit bureaus will use your highest balance as an estimation of your credit limit. So if you spend between $3000 and $3500 on your card monthly then on the credit bureaus you will look like you are using more of your available credit limit than you really are.

In most cases, you can call your credit card companies and have them report your limits to the credit bureaus.

4. Use your older cards.

One of the most important factors in determining your FICO score is the length of time a card has been open. The older the account the better it will make your credit score look.

It is a good idea to use your older cards every few months just to make sure that the credit card companies continue to update your information with the credit bureaus.

5. Help from credit card company.

If for the most part, you have been a good customer, you can call your credit card company and ask them to remove 1 or 2 late payments from your history. Most of the time, this request has to be made in writing but it is definitely worth a shot. Your chances of success using this method increase the better your record with your lender.

If you have had more than just 1 or 2 late payments, then another option would be to request that your lender "re-age" your account. Typically, this is where you and your lender work out an agreement that if you make 12 or more consecutive payments on time, they will delete any previous late payments.

6. Disputing your old negative items.

So you had a disagreement with a company over a bill a few years ago, and it is still hurting your credit today. Disputing that bill as "not mine" is an option you could use to fix or improve your credit score. A lot of times, if the item is relatively small and old, the credit card companies won't bother to respond to the credit bureaus investigation. Most of the time, this will cause the item to be removed from your credit history.

I have seen success disputing negative items when a lender has merged with another company. The merger causes older debts to get "lost in the shuffle."

7. Concentrate on the important stuff.

There are certain aspects of your credit report that really affect your score. It is important to know what they are and to really focus your attention on these items to repair and improve your credit score.

Here is a short list of the item I suggest you focus on:

1. Negative items that are not yours (e.g. Late payments, charge-off, or collections)

2. Incorrectly reported credit limits

3. Anything not listed as "Current" or "Paid as Agreed". (e.g. Settled, paid derogatory, or paid charge-off)

4. Accounts that shouldn't be there due to a bankruptcy.

5. Derogatory items that are older than 7 years that should have dropped off. It would be 10 years if you have a bankruptcy.

You want to be careful with this one because as we discussed earlier. Having aged accounts actually improves your credit score, even if they are negative accounts. It is not possible to know the effect of closing an old negative account. You are kind of "rolling the dice" when you do it.

As you can see, these 7 ways will get you on your way to raising your credit score and lowering your interest rates.

Good credit is obtainable if you just hunker down and put your mind to it. Following the tips above will help you get out of the credit "dog house".

Mosiekk Conley is the creator of the "Quickly And Legally Improving Your Credit Score Video Ecourse" where you will learn 10 more easy ways to fix and improve your credit score yourself. To start receiving this course: Blog59939
Cassey Blog30146

Backup Data On Your Laptop

If you were to look at past statistics regarding the information that has been lost in regards to laptop computers, you would find yourself amazed. Even though this information can be astounding, many of us still dont take the time to back up the information on our laptops.

To put it in simple terms, nothing in the computer industry is fool proof. Hard drives can crash, the laptop can get stolen, or it can even be dropped and rendered useless. To ensure that we are never left without our precious data, we should always create a backup of our information.

There is no mistaken the fact that over a million laptops have been stolen over the years in the United States alone. Anytime a laptop is stolen, chances are that it wont be recovered. If the information wasnt backed up, then the owner will be left with no laptop - but more importantly - no backed up data either.

Just like you can with desktop computers, you can also create a backup of the data on your laptop as well. You can use online services, back it up remotely, or use several other methods to ensure that you keep all of your data. Preserving your data is something you should really look into, especially if you have business material on your laptop.

The best way to go about backing up your data and files is to burn them to a data CD. Data CDs can hold up to 700 MB (Mega Bytes) of data, which means a lot of files. To back things up this way, all you need is a CD/RW burner in your laptop, which most of the newer ones come with.

The only drawback to laptops is the fact that they dont offer near as much storage or security measures as a desktop PC. Desktop computers have a lot more power, and they can also do things (including backups) in a fraction of the time.

The laptop computer was designed for on the go use, which is the main reason why people dont really think about backing up their data. When the thought finally does come to mind, it is normally too late to do anything about it.

As mentioned above, the easiest and quickest way to backup your laptop data is to use an online backup service. Depending on your connection to the Internet, it can take anywhere from several minutes to several hours. Although it may take you a little bit of time, youll have the satisfaction in knowing that your data is there if something should happen.

Whether its for your business or personal use, you cant go wrong backing up your data. You should always create a backup of your data at least once a month, even more than that if you have a lot of important information that you add to your laptop on a frequent basis.

John Ugoshowa. You are welcome to use this article on your website or in your ezines as long as you have a link back to Blog19665
Berri Blog75189

Online Shopping - The Global Trend

Online shopping is really taking off ! That is what the survey by AC Nielsen discovered in their Global Online Consumer Confidence study recently. The study came up with some interesting facts and figures which online marketeers should not ignore.

The study has found out that over six hundred million people buy online and some three hundred million conduct online shopping in a single month alone. The top selling items are books which accounted for about one third of online items sold over the internet. Some twenty percent shopped online for DVDs and videogames, another twenty percent shopped for clothing, accessories or shoes and the remaining bought CDs, electronic gadgets including cameras and music downloads.

Travel and hotel bookings also proved very popular with online consumers.

An interesting fact about online shopping is that Germany and UK top the list of online shoppers. These two countries constitute the world's biggest online shoppers averaging seven and six purchases respectively in a month. It is noted that European online shoppers made five purchases on average per month, one purchase more from their North American counterpart. Asia Pacific matched the European online shoppers with five purchases per month with countries like Singapore, Taiwan, Australia and China registering slightly higher monthly purchasing activity.

The study shows both an upward trend in global online shopping and in less developed countries, the trend registered faster growth. This is made possible with the wider access to internet and the availability of broadbands. So this represents global marketeers opportunities to penetrate these markets and will enable product manufacturers to open up new markets and increase their markets presence in those regions.

The article can be reproduced and distributed provided that author by-lines and hyperlinks are kept intact and unchanged.Amye Blog27262
Antonia Blog65224

Online Associates Degree Leads To Various Career Paths

Back in the late eighties and early nineties there was a push by local government to boost the number of vocational programs in high school. The idea was to give those not planning on going to college a crack at earning a better living. While this program seemed to underpin the absolute need for alternative educational reform in the country, there still was a problem with people that didn't want to fix cars, or be the next town plumber. For those that got stuck in the middle there was not much to do but make a choice between a vocational program or to attend college. Today there is the wonderful online associates degree that has been proven to lead towards a wide spectrum of jobs worthy of many 4 year degree program graduates. Those in high school, or in limbo after high school have a path to follow that is commonly referred to as obtaining an associates degree. This degree is known to provide valuable instruction to those that enroll in the program with the desire to land a job that is high paying, and as secure as any job on the market today.

For those wishing to make a better life for themselves and their family there is nothing like an online associates degree to boost their career. While there are still hurdles financially for those attempting to earn an online associates degree on their own, with no additional support, it also can be the catalyst that can lead to better opportunities in the future if they are able to gut out the hard times that come with attending any college program. This means that the sacrifices put in now will be translated into success later on due to the new opportunities that will arise from the degree. Any reputable online associates degree program will have a career services department that will help guide you in the right direction in order to best help those that are in need of a steady job with higher pay than the current position the student has currently.

Another benefit to enrolling in an online associates degree program in terms of the career possibilities is that the computer is becoming more prevalent in the money making business world. Think about how many occupations use the personal computer in at least some fashion? Is it not a benefit then that you will be gaining your education via this same device? Of course it is, and you will be better prepared to handle the computer, and online applications no matter what your specialty is, because the bottom line is your program is teaching you to learn online, and utilize a computer in ways other associate degree graduates do not.

Yet another great way that an online associates degree can reward those that enroll in the program is the specialty programs geared toward high paying jobs. In fact the associates degree is one of the most career focused degrees one can earn at any level of education. The online associates degree focuses on the aspect that the workforce is a commodity based economy that pays more for in demand jobs, and reacts to provide the student with such an opportunity to get training in any high demand field that exists today. The approval process for online associates degree programs is less stringent than other educational programs, and allows the institution to create a program in reaction to the needs of employers, which could mean that you will end up graduating with multiple job offers.

Andy West is a freelance writer for Virginia College. Virginia College Online offers many online associate degree programs. Please visit Virginia College Online at to select the online program that is right for you.Aleece Blog25408
Carry Blog64485

Beware Of Fake Online Degree Scams

With modern technology, the internet offers students many opportunities to study for online college degrees. Students can also find a wealth of information regarding their online education ambition, for instance like how to apply for college student loan, how to find the right online college degree program for a wide variety of other online education information.

Since many prospective online students are usually working adults, more and more people are turning to the internet to obtain a college degree education program, studying completely from the internet.

However, do be careful when you choose an online college to study with. Beware of fake college degree scams. What many students fail to do is to research the online collegess accreditation process. This is a vital process and is done to make sure that the online college you chose to study from is genuine and creditable.

Since the benefits of an accredited college degree are plentiful, potential students need to ensure that the online college they study with offers fully accredited degrees. An accredited college degree is an endorsement and recognition that you have received a certain level of standard and quality in your education.

However, in the online degree industry, scams abound. There are many so called "degree-mills" on the internet which promise that you will receive degrees in half the time that is normally taken to study for a degree and some even to go as far as to claim that you can earn a college degree even without studying or taking examinations.

These scams and fake "colleges" only want your money and when you are done with them, you will be left with a degree that has not been through a proper accreditation process or worse, you will receive a fake college degree which is completely worthless. So you must beware of them.

A properly accredited online college degree program ensures that a student is receiving a high quality education that is the standard among colleges and universities both online and offline. By being accredited, it holds the online colleges and universities accountable for their performances and this auger well for employer's confidence in the degree's credibility.

By having a fully accredited online college degree by the proper governing boards ensures that your hard work is rewarded. Employers and other learning institutions will accept your degree as being credible.

Students who wish to apply for college financing can only do so if their college is properly accredited by the proper educational boards. No banks will give any college student loans to students who are intending to study with a college without accreditation.

Furthermore, in order to transfer your credits to another educational institution that is accredited, you have to receive a degree from an accredited college or university online.

While the internet is a good medium where students from all over the world with internet access can obtain get a college degree education, you should by all means avoid being a victim of such ruthless scams. Proper accreditation ensures that your online degree will be respected by your employers and other colleges and universities should you wish to go for your post graduate degree.

It is therefore imperative that you research your chosen college's accreditation process thoroughly before committing to any online college degree program. This will make sure that the accredited online college degree you will obtain is properly accredited through the proper state or regional boards. By doing your research well, you will avoid being a victim of fake college degree online scams may cost you lot of money, time, hard work and heartache.

Chris Chew is a writer and author. More education articles at his sites and http://create-attract-wealth.blogspot.comBobine Blog17327
Callie Blog20836

Don't be Confused by Wireless Home Security Systems

With all of the different home security system services out there, it can be hard to tell if you should have a wireless home security system, hardwired system, or a gadget that has been newly placed on the market. The goal is to stay one step ahead of any potential predators while keeping an affordable means of home security and choosing from masses of options. Recently, the best in home security has seemed to be the wireless home security system. Protecting your home from potential harm is a priority, but when you purchase a wireless home security system, you should know that there is more to the system than just the name.

The wireless home security system is primarily chosen because of its neat appearance and lack of wires. It is convenient to every abode in every situation. However, which system you choose will depend on how much security you need and what your budget entails. The best in home security wireless systems, and the most frequently used are the wireless security cameras, the wireless alarms, and the wireless motion detector systems.

The wireless cameras are a small and practical way to monitor your home security without an alarm. The cameras can be used for surveillance and the leaders in home security typically make them such as Ademco, DSC, and GE. They can be used to monitor children while playing as well as catching a common thief. These cameras have the option to record so that you may check the tapes later using a simple VCR or they can broadcast live. The wireless security cameras are generally considered the best in home security and when they are combined with other wireless devices, they are found to be almost foolproof.

The wireless alarms are the most common devices that are used. They are manual devices with a keypad that you can physically control and set. However, alarms have started to lose their credibility due to the fact that they have a tendency to go off unnecessarily causing a false sense of trust with people who have purchased them. Wireless alarms can be found anywhere from Home Depot to the Internet. Depending on what model you choose any handyman can easily install it. Visonic Powermax is a system that comes in an all-in-one pack and it also has voice activation. The Visonic model can be found on the home security store website.

The wireless motion detector system is also a common form of home security systems. The motion detectors are almost always installed into new homes, and they perform by providing a light when there is a motion that is detected. Other wireless systems may have an alarm that is attached to the motion detector, but they are harder to find. If you have other devices that are wireless that you want to use in conjunction with the motion detector such as the wireless security camera, you can move and install all of the wireless components together. If you have a hardwired system, the motion detectors do come in the wired form as well. Home security prices will vary if you go outside an already existing system.

A wireless home security system is a convenient choice because of its mobility and easy installation. There is no need to be concerned about lingering wires or expensive construction. Wireless systems do make up an entire group of elements that come together in order to create the whole. If what you are looking for is a home monitoring security system, you may not need the other devices to make sure that you feel safe in your home. Try to compile all of the information that you can in regard to the different devices that wireless has to offer so that you can make a more comprehensive choice when it comes to your home protection.

Sam Ellis make it easy to make sense of the home security market. Learn more by reading The Home Owners Guide to Home Security. A FREE report available at Celina Blog98354
Berrie Blog60896

Products You Love at Prices You Can Afford: All Needs and Wants on Closeout

When shopping for items on the internet, why should you be paying full price for anything? Well at All Needs and Wants on Closeout we feel the same way. Now you can get everything you NEED and everything you WANT at affordable closeout prices, what could be better than that! We feel that everyone should have the opportunity to get the items they need, at a price that does not put a whole lot of stress on their wallet.

Rather you know exactly what you need or are looking for the perfect gift, but have not decided what that is as of yet, All Needs and Wants on Closeout has just what you are looking for. You name it we have it. Looking for affordable clothing for your family? We have apparel for men, women, and children. Want to purchase wedding rings or jewelry cheaper than anywhere else you cannot miss this website.

Attractive and easy to use, All Needs and Wants on Closeout was created for the fast paced society we live in. Everything is neatly organized into specific categories, which means you will have no problems in finding exactly what you need when you need it. Also each product page is a great starting point to see information about the product, an image, comments by other users, and reviews. You can become a key contributor yourself by leaving your opinion about the products you have used or purchased there.

What is more on each product; you will have the ability to see what other customers think about the products as well. Each product is rated by customers just like you and many choose to leave comments about how well the product did or did not work for them and their needs. Therefore, while you are shopping through the vast amount of products on All Needs and Wants on Closeout, you will have the distinct understanding of the products, good or bad, and what others thought about it as well.

Again, no matter what you are looking for office products, movies, music, video games, computer accessories, household items, electronics, or tools, chances are you will find it at All Needs and Wants on Closeout at a much cheaper and affordable price than anywhere else on the internet!

Tatiana Velitchkov is the owner of and runs Needs & Wants on Closeout and Discuss MP3 site and blog. Check out the customer reviews for help in choosing!Catlee Blog92444
Bobbee Blog23203

Time to put an end to the payment protection insurance witch hunts

THERE has been so much written in the past few months about payment protection insurance it has all become a little confusing. Most of what has been written has been very negative, indeed dangerously negative witch-hunt proportions even in some quarters. A mortgage magazine even ran a campaign to have single premium accident, sickness, unemployment banned.

Amid all the chest beating and promotion, some clarity is desperately needed. Without relevant PPI being offered to customers, there is an even greater risk of one of the fundamental objectives of the FSA not being met and that is protecting consumer interests.

The PPI witch-hunt has also lumped together mortgage payment protection insurance and single premium ASU. These products are, of course, all very different. Most of the Office of Fair Tradings concerns re- volved around the potential mis-selling of PPI related to consumer and revolving credit sales, not mortgages.

In November 2005, the FSA published a report detailing its findings about the sale of PPI. This was backed up with mystery shopping of various firms involved in the sale of PPI that goes beyond mortgages to other companies that offer revolving lines of credit, store accounts and unsecured loans. It was much broader than the mortgage industry alone and, given the mortgage industry has been regulated by the FSA for some time now, it has taken a disproportionate amount of flak.


It does strike me as odd that people who have very limited experience in the mortgage market and more specifically experience in the sub-prime mortgage market have been pontificating about the so-called evils of single premium ASU.

The mortgage industry as a whole needs to assess the risks and benefits yes, benefits of single premium ASU with calm heads, because things have moved on.

Fact one. Sub-prime clients cancel their monthly ASU policies. Some major insurers have even withdrawn the product from sale because the persistency levels are so low. That is what sub-prime clients do. It is the same reason they cancel their life policies. That does not mean we should stop writing life business because we would be leaving customers and their families exposed.

There is a fundamental issue here. Why sell a client a monthly policy when he has a demonstrated history of not being able to meet his monthly commitments?

And guess what? Fact two: sub-prime clients will cancel their monthly ASU policy at the time when they need it the most. The potential ramifications for the IFA/mortgage broker are dire should he be unable to demonstrate that he offered his client the option of either monthly or single premium ASU and it has subsequently gone pear shaped for his client.

Some brokers detail the costs and benefits of ASU in the suitability letter and document in that letter if the client has chosen not to take it up. Some go even further. For clients who cancel their policies downstream, some brokers send a disclaimer ensuring they know what they are cancelling and detail the ramifications of having no cover.

It is cheaper to do that than risk the potential of attracting a lawsuit, and worse still drawing bad press to our business and brand.

There is no doubt that single premium ASU policies have come in for some major flak because of their poor flexibility and TCF unfriendliness.


Agreed and rightly so. One of the key issues at play here is the seemingly large commission payments made for single premium ASU.

Let us look at that issue in another context. What if a motor insurer offered a three-year product and guaranteed not to change price over the term with no inflationary creep? What if you got a further discount for paying that policy upfront as a lump sum? Of course, the selling broker would be paid his share of the total premium.

Single premium ASU is not really that different; it is just that a lot of commentators have got all bent out of shape about the commission payment and not the cover itself.

This problem has been further magnified by lots of people throwing their twopence into the ring when, to be frank, objectivity is needed and recognition of what has changed. There is a place for single premium ASU, but not as we used to know it.

What if the mortgage industry had a single premium ASU product that had the following features:

- provided no quibble pro-rata refunds if it was cancelled;
- where the premium was established using a risk matrix factoring in age and employment type similar to the way life premiums are calculated;
- where you can sell the accident, sickness and unemployment components independently of one another based on the customers individual circumstances;
- a product where you can factor in the clients own savings and existing employer protection policies to reduce the cost of the policy in line with risk;
- where you can defer the benefit payments by up to six months and be paid retrospectively in a lump sum;
- where you can change the policy mid-term, in other words the amount of cover can be increased or decreased or names on the policy can be changed without penalty; and
- where the true cost including capitalised interest of the single premium ASU is disclosed pre purchase to comply with treating customer fairly and Insurance Code of Business 5 rules. Indeed, all the product limitations, pre-existing conditions and exclusions are disclosed pre-purchase.

What if this product existed and its makers had worked closely with selected players in the mortgage industry to ensure all regulatory requirements were met and exceeded?

Well, I hate to say it but that is the product that one broker has sold and the intermediary has their FSA visits and, as with others, single premium ASU and its sale processes were heavily scrutinised. No problems. Perhaps some of the single premium ASU providers may wish to read the above product features just one more time.


Let us look at another angle. Surely lenders, particularly sub-prime lenders, have a duty of care to ensure that their clients needs are protected.

The stated objective of many in the mortgage industry is to ensure their sub-prime clients are credit cleansed.

So without any cover, they miss a mortgage payment or two or three and they are stuck with sub-prime rates for another year or two. All of a sudden that single premium ASU premium is not looking so expensive.

Things can and do go wrong, and it is our job as qualified professionals to ensure our clients needs are protected.

The Association of Mortgage Intermediaries has now responded to the FSAs request to address its concerns about PPI and I am sure that will be the start of some more sanity in the discussions surrounding its sale.

Single premium ASU is not about preying on desperate clients. One broker has developed a process that is FSA and TCF compliant and sells products that are appropriate to individual needs.

There is no doubt that the adverse publicity surrounding PPI sales has eroded not only consumer confidence but the confidence of IFAs and mortgage brokers to sell insurance cover that few could argue against.

Most of all, it is important to note that the industry has responded and moved on. Some people need to move with it.

John Smith writes articles for loans and mortgages, offering Bad Credit Loans.Buffy Blog58273
Cathi Blog93933

Buying A Vintage Engagement Ring

If you are looking for an expensive vintage engagement ring to give to your beloved and you can afford to stretch your budget, then aim for the heavens and go for an antique vintage engagement ring. A vintage engagement ring is a huge investment - but one that your future bride will surely cherish forever.

So many choices: Solitaire diamond, pearl and sapphire, emerald , aquamarine, gemstone, filigree, diamond have all been used in vintage engagement rings and even eternity rings. You may also choose from an array of vintage engagement rings with unusual settings adorned with diamond and other gems.

Solitaire diamond rings come in all sizes and shapes. From the regular round rock to the solid square, and rectangles, solitaire diamond rings can look as unique as your loved one. It is sometimes better to purchase your diamond separately from the band and setting. This small step will ensure your purchasing good quality solitaire for your vintage engagement ring.

Generally, vintage diamond rings are available and affordable in Western countries. Jewellers will willingly assemble your own design, if the ring you want is not available or too highly priced. You can decide the rings design, working with goldsmiths and designers. With some intelligent choices you can have an exact replica of the ring worn by Madonna (an antique Edwardian three-stone diamond ring) or some other person you admire. In modern tradition, a vintage engagement ring is worn on the ring finger of the left hand of the woman to be married, indicating her engagement. It represents an official acceptance of the marriage proposal and a commitment to a future together. It is also not uncommon for a woman to buy the man a vintage engagement ring.

To acquire gems and create distinctive rings in which to set them, the purchase of your engagement and wedding rings is one of the most significant purchases you will ever make, both financially and emotionally. No other single piece of jewellery will ever be as important. No matter how successful you become, no matter how magnificent other jewellery purchases might be, nothing carries with it the same excitement and magic.Once jewellers see you are an informed diamond ring buyer, they cannot scam you into buying overpriced diamonds which are worth far less than the salesperson claims. When buying vintage engagement ring diamonds and wedding rings, you should go into battle educated and prepared. You should use your research of diamond pricing and sample printouts of similar competing diamonds in your size range from online sites. You should also have a good diamond buying book with lots of colour photos to help you spot fakes, and worthless diamonds.

Allen Jesson is the owner of several sites including, a site that specializes in vintage engagement rings and, a site that specializes in home based net marketing businesses.Ailee Blog45711
Alex Blog86187

Choosing the Right Computer System for your Medical Practice

Most of the physicians I have met are just too afraid to change their existing computer or even to upgrade their existing medical billing software. Their staff is resistant to transition or even learning a new system!

Making a decision on what computer hardware to choose is very critical to your practice and for your compliancy. The good news is, computers nowadays are incredibly affordable! You can now get a complete desktop with monitor with as low as $450.00 Most of these computers are windows-based operating system. Your existing medical billing software will definitely be compatible on any of these Windows operating systems. Your medical billing software vendor might just run few updates and patches for full compatibility with your new computers or server or even on your old computers! The same thing if you are upgrading your billing software. The bottom line is, you are about to make a decision to make your practice productive, efficient and compliant with HIPAA rules and guidelines.

Let's start with, if you are a small practice with 2 computers and 1 printer. Well, having a dedicated server for your billing system is not yet a good option.

(1) Buying a computer running on Windows XP Professional is better than the one that runs on XP Home Edition. XP Professional is really intended for business purposes which runs database and other office applications software.

(2) Share your computer via a switch or a router by networking the two computers. Why share? sharing files and documents is very productive. In other words, you can access files from any of these computers.

(3) Share your printer, connect one printer locally and share it on the network.

If you are a bigger practice with more than 3 computers, 2 printers and at least 5-10 staff (including the providers). Then you are better off to go for a dedicated server or a stand-alone server. What does this mean? ofcourse, can you imagine at least 7 people simultaneously accessing the same medical billing software (setting up appointments, taking information for new patients, billers posting payments and the providers putting in notes on the patients), this will definitely slow down your network if you don't have a stand-alone server.

That server is best to run on Windows Server 2003 (Business Edition) or on Windows 2000 Server (Advance Edition). All these 3-8 computers will share resources by networking them using a switch (or a high-end hub). Printers will also be shared on the network, all users may print from any of the network printers from any of the computers.

Consider the following hardware specifications for your server and workstations:

(1) Processor (I prefer Intel-based processors)

(2) Memory (at least 512MB)

(3) Hard Disk Storage - Server (at least 250GB, this is just my suggestion!)

(4) Hard Disk Storage - Workstations ( at least 40GB)

(5) Tape Back Up (you have to have a daily back up of your files!, internal tape back up is more convenient than external back up drive)

(6) Network Interface Card

How about the warranty? most of the vendors sell warranty up to 3 years or even 5 years for parts and repairs. This will cost you another $150-$300 for warranty. I strongly encourage you to get that extended warranty because you never know.

There you go! I hope this article will help you choose the right computers and server for your practice.

Ms. Pinky Mcbanon is an experienced Medical Biller and Coder based in New York. A graduate of Bachelor Science in Computer Engineering. A Medical Practice Billing Consultant.Abigael Blog32949
Ailee Blog45226

7 Tips to Keep Your Hardwood Floor Looking Its Best

Many people choose hardwood flooring because it is easy to maintain and keep looking great. True, you will not have to worry about hardwood staining if you spill grape juice on it, as you do with carpet. However, there are a few things that you need to remember when you are dealing with hardwood. Once you have spent a great deal of time and money on your beautiful hardwood floor, you will want to keep it looking fantastic. Many people choose hardwood flooring because it is easy to maintain and keep looking great. True, you will not have to worry about hardwood staining if you spill grape juice on it, as you do with carpet. However, there are a few things that you need to remember when you are dealing with hardwood.

1) The most important cleaning tip for hardwood is preventative maintenance. By cleaning your floors regularly and sweeping or vacuuming dirt and debris, you will save yourself a lot of time and expense in the long run.

2) Wipe up any spills as soon as they occur. Although you will not have an instant stain when you spill on hardwood floor as you do with carpet, you may expose your hardwood to staining if you do not wipe up spills in a timely fashion. Once stains have a chance to set into the hardwood you may have to refinish the floor in order to get the stain out.

3) Sweep your floor everyday or as needed. It is important to sweep up any dirt or debris off of your floor as necessary so that the dirt doesnt scratch the wood. This will vary from house to house of course. If you have a high traffic home, you may need to sweep a few times a day. Although, you may only need to sweep every few days.

4) Use a hardwood cleaner once a week to keep your floor looking its best. Hardwood floor cleaners are available at any home improvement center or at a flooring center. They are quite easy to use, and with a little preventative maintenance, you will thank yourself in the future. Simply spray the cleaner on and use a cloth or hardwood broom to buff the floor gently.

5) Never use water and soap when cleaning your hardwood. Hardwood is not like linoleum or even laminate flooring and you cannot use a bucket of sudsy, soapy water to clean it. In fact, you can damage your floor if you try to mop it in a traditional style. Because wood is susceptible to water damage, you want to minimize the contact that your floor has with water. Water will seep into the cracks of the boards and can cause swelling, discoloration and deformation of the boards.

6) Protect your floor from furniture scratches and gouges. It is a very good idea to place felt on the bottom of all of your furniture in order to protect it from scratches. This is particularly important for furniture pieces that move a great deal such as your kitchen chairs. But it is a good idea to protect all pieces equally. You can purchase felt at the local hardware store, and cut it to size to fit the bottom of every piece of furniture that you have.

7) Polish your floor regularly. If you have a hardwood floor with a wax finish, you may want to wax it on a regular basis to keep it looking shiny and new. The waxing process will also will also help buff any scratches out of your floor as well. Every wax product is different so it is important to read the directions carefully and also consult the manufactures guidelines of your flooring before applying any wax product.

With a little bit of preventative maintenance and some common sense, you will be able to keep your hardwood floor looking fabulous for many years. There are only a few simple steps and rules to follow when dealing with hardwood flooring because it is actually one of the easiest flooring types to care for.

Rob Buenaventura invites you to Here we provide tips on hardwood refinishing and installation of wood flooring. Find benefits on what to look for when considering a hardwood flooring vacuum, check Blog79620
Carlee Blog84851

Tips on Feeling Better during Cold and Flu

The flu, which is a nickname for the influenza virus, starts suddenly and hits hard. Your fever may go as high as 40C (105F). You'll probably feel weak and tired, and have a dry cough, a runny nose, chills, muscle aches, severe headache and a sore throat. The fever may last for three to five days. After the flu goes away, you may still feel weak and tired or keep coughing for up to three weeks.

The flu is most common in winter and early spring. It often occurs in outbreaks. The flu virus changes often. About every 10 years it undergoes major changes, so that more severe outbreaks occur.

Feel better By Doing:

1.Stay home and rest, especially while you have a fever.

2. Stop smoking and avoid secondhand smoke, which can make cold symptoms worse.

3. Drink plenty of fluids like water, fruit juices and clear soups. Fluids help loosen mucus. Fluids are also important if you have a fever because fever can dry up your body's fluids, which can lead to dehydration.

Don't drink alcohol.

4. Gargle with warm salt water a few times a day to relieve a sore throat. Throat sprays or lozenges may also help relieve the pain.

5. Use saline (salt water) nose drops to help loosen mucus and moisten the tender skin in your nose.

6. Wash your hands frequently. This is often your best defense. Wash the entire hand using warm water and soap. Don't forget to clean under fingernails. Wash for about 10 seconds.

7. Avoid putting your hands near your eyes, nose or mouth, unless you have washed. Most bacteria and germs are spread from a surface to your hands to your face. Few germs are transmitted through the air.

8. Clean your 'shared spaces' more often than other times of the year. Remember phones, keyboards, steering wheels, office equipment and other items used by several people during the day.

9. Get a flu shot. Flu shots are especially beneficial for those with wekened immune systems, the elderly or those who come in contact with a lot of people. Check with Health Services for more information.

10. Get enough sleep. During sleep, your body's immune system goes into high gear to protect you from illness. Lack of sleep can reduce immune functioning making you susceptible to sickness.

11. Drink more water. In the fall and winter, it is easy to overlook your thirst and get dehydrated. Make sure you consume 8 glasses a day.

Continue a moderate exercise program. Try to maintain a 3-4 day a week exercise routine. Consistency is key.

12. Eat healthily. A good rule is to eat 10-15 calories per pound of "desired body weight." If your ideal weight is 170 lbs, then consume 1700-2550 calories a day (1700 for sedentary individuals and 2550 for extremely active types.)

13. Limit alcohol intake. Alcohol can be dehydrating which, in turn, may decrease your resistence to bacteria.

14. Finally, listen to your body. If you are less than 100% you will feel better and recover faster if you let yourself rest.

This article has been publised by freelancer writer of and this article is written only for educational and information purpose so that our reader can get more knowledge about influenza, flu, relenza. Relenza is a powder that is inhaled twice a day for five days from a breath-activated plastic device called a Diskhaler. For more information; , please go through this page; If any mistake or error is found in this article, we suggest you to feel free to send us your feedback at or

Barbara Camie - Freelance Web Content Writer Health and Pharmaceutical Related TopicsArlen Blog65841
Addia Blog62470

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